Modular Triangular System

roy with paintings

Modular Triangular System

universe of new technology

Modular Triangular System


Modular Triangular System (MTS)

by Roy Lawaetz

The Caribbean’s background offers unique bedrock of inherited cultures: The Pre-Columbian, the European, the African.

In these paintings of Roy Lawaetz art spectators will have the opportunity to see a new art form. It is a personal aesthetic that is deeply-rooted in an eclectic blend of influences, historical and cultural.

While many of the 20th Century’s most formidable artists have found source material and inspiration in tribal cultures in distant countries this is an artist who lived first hand in a milieu with such native opportunity. Exposed to carnival performances and archaeological fragments from early childhood he integrated these impulses into an art form that departs from a sense of classical conformity in exchange for the exotic.

The artist starts from the beginning. He rejects the standard rectangle format in painting and rediscovers the tiny triangular Zemi stone of the Taino Indians, who lived in the Caribbean before Columbus’ arrival in 1492. And from this point of departure he builds his repertoire of prototypes in a laboratory environment of research and development.

MTS paintings

ipad paintings

Rectangle paintings


roy lawaetz portrait

My passion is to transform the traditional canvas support paradigm in Art. This consumes my development as an artist. I work to create new and exciting proto types that reflect the inherent quality of diverse shapes in nature.

I have already discovered many new formats along my own artistic path. My inspirational fountainhead has been cultural heritage references such as the triangular-shaped Taino zemi, some literally almost unknown to the outside world, from the Caribbean where I was born on the tiny island of St. Croix.

You may wish to purchase the unique art book “The Modular Triangular System” which covers the artist’s complete unabridged theory with examples of shape applications for non-rectangular canvas formats.

For information about pricing and availability of paintings and prints please contact us by using the form below.

“A work of beauty is created not by the art of an hour,
of a lifetime, of a century,
but by uncounted souls in mutual endeavor”

  John Ruskin

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